Policy Dialogue with the persons with disabilities
Dec 13, 2018 - WPC arrange a Policy Dialogue with the persons with disabilities as Speaker of the National Assembly grace the occasion as chief Guest
Dec 13, 2018 - WPC arrange a Policy Dialogue with the persons with disabilities as Speaker of the National Assembly grace the occasion as chief Guest
Feb 21, 2019 - Honorable Secretary Women's Parliamentary Caucus Munaza Hassan, addressing the "Consience Movement" in Istanbul. "Women have been victims of war throughout history. Syria has been the recent…
January 21, 2019 - Secretary WPC, Munaza Hassan was invited as a key note speaker on symposium on Instutionalizations of WPC in GB and AJK Legislative Assemblies
January 21, 2019 - Women Parliamentary Caucus had a meeting with the delegation of European Union. Matters of joint interest were discussed in the meeting