CPA UK in collaboration with Women’s Parliamentary Caucus, Parliament House organized a three-day virtual programme focusing on strengthening the capacity of first term parliamentarians, specifically in relation to engaging civil society organisations in committee work in from 25th May to 27th May 2021. Through a series of discussions, presentations, and practical exercises participants has deepen their knowledge and share common challenges and solutions. They have also applied new learning in a committee exercise where participants have taken on the roles of committee chair and members. The simulated evidence session has been based on a real-life inquiry of the UK or a Commonwealth committee.

Day 1

On first day session three session were conducted

Session 1: Introduction to the UK Parliament and the Westminster Committee system

This session has introduced members to the UK Parliament, how the Westminster committee system works and they get a chance to ask questions on the working of the UK Parliament.

Speakers: Harriet Baldwin MP, Khalid Mahmood MP and Baroness Christine Blower, UK Parliament

Session 2: Forging Effective Relationships with Government and Following Up Recommendations

In this session members will learn about creating effective and productive relationships with Government departments and how parliaments can work to follow up committee recommendations with the Government.

Speakers: Dame Diana Johnson MP, UK Parliament and Honourable Rubina Irfan, Pakistan

Moderator: Mr Syed Shamoon Hashmi, Additional Secretary National Assembly of Pakistan

Session 3: Feedback and Closing

Delegates will have the chance to share their feedback on Day 1 of the programme and learn more about how their comments contribute to the development of CPA UK’s future work with the WPC. Official close of Day 1.

Speakers: Matthew Hamilton, Monitoring & Evaluation Manager, CPA UK and Jessica Onion, Programme Officer, CPA UK.

Day 2

Session 4: Good Practice Engaging Civil Society Organisations

This session will start the day by exploring how parliamentarians can engage with civil society organisations in their work. This includes hearing case studies and examples of engaging civil society organisations in the UK Parliament’s work and the value this expertise brings to policy-making.

Speakers: Jess Phillips MP, UK Parliament and Honourable Andleeb Abbas, Pakistan

Session 5: Planning and Briefing for a Practical Committee Exercise

Delegates will learn how UK members prepare for committee inquiries and how oral evidence sessions work in the UK Parliament. This session is designed to help delegates prepare for the following interactive practical committee exercise in Session 6.

Speakers: Yasmin Qureshi MP and Lucinda Maer, UK Parliament

Session 6: Practical Committee Exercise Evidence Session

This session will be a chance for delegates to role play a mock committee exercise and run their own evidence session. There will be two witnesses appearing before the committee to give delegates the chance to practice their questioning. The facilitators will act as experts moderating the committee exercise, they will intervene when necessary and offer advice to assist in the learning process.

Facilitators: Kate Osamor MP, UK Parliament and Honourable Munaza Hassan, Pakistan and Honourable Ayesha Bano, Pakistan

Session 7: Feedback and Closing of Day 2

Delegates will have the chance to reflect on Day 2 of the workshop and share comments with CPA UK staff

Day 3

Session 8: Writing Effective Recommendations and Communicating Committee Work

Participants will start the day by exploring how to write effective recommendations within a committee and how to communicate committee work effectively to the public to raise the profile of inquiries.

Speakers: Maria Miller MP, UK Parliament and Siobhan Conway, Committee Engagement Specialist, UK Parliament

Session 9: Gender Sensitive Scrutiny and Legislative Scrutiny Tools

This session will explore how members can apply gender sensitive scrutiny to parliamentary business across a range of committees and topics.

Speakers: Baroness Barker and Holly Dustin, Committee Specialist, UK Parliament and Honourable Munaza Hassan, Pakistan

Moderator: Mr Syed Shamoon Hashmi, Additional Secretary National Assembly of Pakistan

Session 10: Parliamentary Codes of Conduct and Ending Harrassment in the Workplace

This session will explain the UK Parliament Behaviour Code, the process of creating it and the way it affects the working environment in the UK Parliament. There will be the chance to reflect on positive changes and challenges to parliamentary staffs’ working environments.

Speakers: Andrea Leadsom MP, UK Parliament and Delyth Jewell MS, Senedd Member

Session 11: Official Closing and Feedback

This session will provide delegates with a chance to provide feedback to CPA UK on the overall workshop and an official close to the workshop. Closing remarks by Honourable Kanwal Shauzab MNA.